
Jess Pemberton comes from a family of creators. Working from her studio in East Molesey and surrounded by other members of her extraordinary family, she is a collage and paper-cut artist creating pieces to bring joy: ‘I feel throughout life it is important to surround yourself with things that make you smile, and that is what I want my work to be about.’ Jess has created for Curator&Maker 12 collages which have been inspired by ‘The Wind in the Willows’, a book Jess has loved since she was Toad in a school play. Her enthusiasm and study of the detail of all manner of florals and their intricate nature is infectious. Her pieces have a 3D quality, with her use of vintage papers, graphic textures from old wallpapers, tea stained papers and vintage labels, each giving a nod to realism and embracing the re-using and re-inventing of papers to create works of exquisite detail.