Wayne Meeton




Wayne Meeten strives to transform what sometimes appears to be cold rigid and clinically material into something fused with feeling and warmth.
The objects he wishes to create convey sensations of serenity, boundless movement using an impressive array of traditional techniques, that are highly crafted aesthetic with a sculptural approach. He wishes to change the audiences perception on how to view particular objects. Striving to find ways to utilise the forms he creates, often never repeating the same form and texture again.
His fascination with the fusion of Japanese traditional Techniques with British Silversmithing and studying both Crafts requires infinite dedication and tenacity. This brought him to quickly see a link with the tenets of Tai Chi and Chi Kung movements, and the deep rooted Tao philosophy
that is paramount in his daily and work life as an Artist. This spiritual approach of a maker with his material is well documented. He prefers the technique of shibori hammering towards the physical body which uses less energy. This allows the metal to move fluidly and evenly and more
important, precisely in contact with the head of the stake. The material lays perfectly with each blow of the hammer. The metal is alive and he believes it has a memory, and it knows you are taking care of it. It wants to be fused with loving soft energy and to find the inner beauty of the material. To consider each strike and each pause, gives that moment of stillness. The pauses between each hammer mark, each motion of filing, sanding, sawing and taking rest which slows the mind and lets you see the work in a fresh initiative, yet meditative way.
Wayne believes each maker and each Silversmith has their own “Signature tune “, created by the rhythm of the hammer on metal, or sawing, filing and motion of crafting. Paying attention to the qualities of the material which you can “make it sing” – an audible expression of the metals energy.