Niccolò Barattieri di San Pietro’s Top Picks

Niccolò Barattieri di San Pietro's Top Picks

We are thrilled to have Northacre’s CEO,  Niccolò Barattieri di San Pietro, select the events he most looks forward to this London Craft Week.

The Art of Bespoke in Savile Row: A Pop-Up Showroom

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of wearing your first tailored suit, and I’m intrigued to learn more about the process behind a product so personal. Today, luxury is all about offering the bespoke, a tailored experience, and this is something that we endeavour to achieve when crafting living experiences for our clients.

1920s-Inspired Fragrance Workshop at Floris

Scent is completely personal, and can carry a diversity of associations and memories for every individual. I’m fascinated to find out more about how art, culture or even architecture, can inspire a fragrance.

The Relevance of Traditional Methods in Modern Interiors with Rupert Bevan & Company

Keeping traditional skills and techniques alive is something we have valued at Northacre over the last 30 years, and I’m eager to compare how Rupert Bevan & Company reinterpret these traditional methods through the art of furniture making.

Experiential Retail: How Luxury Brands bring Sensory Appeal to their Clients

With the ease of online shopping threatening the retail industry, simply providing a luxury product is not enough anymore. Clients want an experience to reinforce their purchase, and this is what we continue to create in our developments.  A living experience that is utterly unique to London, whether that’s being the only residential property overlooking Buckingham Palace or offering apartments with unrivalled views of Westminster’s historic landmarks. With a variety of retail units available in our latest development, The Broadway, it will be valuable to find out how luxury brands are responding to this consumer trend.

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