
Artist and printmaker Jason Hicklin is the Head of Printmaking at City & Guilds of London Art School and the Lead Tutor in the Art School’s historic Print Room.

Jason’s work captures the feel of the weather and light and its effect on the landscape. All of his work begins outdoors. Carrying the minimum of equipment, Jason walks and climbs the desired area for days and sometimes nights, often in extreme weather. He describes working outdoors in these tense and exciting conditions as a tremendously connecting experience – feeling a part of the land itself. The result is a striking record of the elemental collisions between earth, sea and weather. He conveys the bleak essence of driving rain, when the mist closes down, and masters the polarities of bright skies and shadowed rocks. His work is charged with an atmosphere born of an intimate knowledge of the landscape and a direct physical experience of its changing moods.

Jason studied at St Martin’s School of Art, where he was a student of renowned printmaker Norman Ackroyd. After completing a postgraduate course at the Central School of Art and Crafts in 1991, Jason combined working as Ackroyd’s studio assistant and editioner with producing his own work and teaching printmaking at City & Guilds of London Art School. He has had numerous solo and joint exhibitions in the UK and abroad.